Vintage Reincarnations

Anything and everything Handmade, Vintage, Antique, Designing, Creative, Musical, Travel and Tasty!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So, I just have to give thanks to my parents and family for always letting me do what I wanted. I don't mean I was without proper supervision, because my parents were pretty strict. For example, I couldn't date by myself until I was 16! We're talking the 70's here.
What i'm talking about is "Empowerment". For example, while in my early teens, I shared a room with one of my younger sisters. We were well suited to be roomies because we were both not anal. Once we wanted to decorate our room and I distinctly remember going crazy for a wild animal print wallpaper. Something to reflect how wild we were? Not sure but with only a slight hesitation and a warning we were going to have to live with it for a long time, my mom bought it with the stipulation we would have to put it up ourselves. When my friends found out we put it up ourselves and painted also, they were amazed. Their parents wouldn't dream of allowing them to do it themselves. Which brings me to my point.......I really don't think they (my parents) realized that by allowing us to do it ourselves they allowed us to "own" our room and gain valuable experience in the process. I only hope I have "Empowered" my own daughter to gain skills so as not to be doubtful of her abilities that she can do whatever she wants. Which leads me to Mt Lemmon Underground. Our grass roots homebased recycled vintage clothing company. It's slow going but enables us to have a common goal and I get to share a little part of her life during a time when daughters don't usually give their mom's the time of day. In closing, I ask you the question, who have you "empowered" by allowing them to do what they want?


Anonymous said...

very cool. congrats on your first post! loved the read. and, yes a congrats to our you!

ovalorbit said...

Very insightful advice - something to think about! :-)